Museum gallery 11

Major cities on Federation worlds

Menta city on Aklantor's primary moon colony Clantos

Menta City on Akalantor's primary moon

Palantariosa - city of the ancient republic on Vildegraad

Palantariosa - ancient city on Vildegraad

Newcastle UK - 2089 ad

Newcastle UK - 2089 AD

City port of Liverpool UK

City port of Liverpool UK

Dunjak - fellacrom district on Dega Prime

Dunjak Fellacrom district on Delta Prime

Coverstall on Belvador - home to the United Central Council of Federated Worlds and founders of the Federation

Coverstall on Belvador UCCFW building

Barcelona after the great war before air pollution was eradicated

Barcelona - pollution after the Great War

Barcelona after air pollution was cleared

Barcelona after air pollution was cleared

Manchester UK

Manchester UK

Prague during the restoration period

Prague during the restoration period

Dega Prime sports arena

Dega Prime sports arena at Dav Pla

Chicago USA

Chicago USA

Desposa - new city suburb in Los Angeles California

Desposa new city suburb in California

Tellaurus Centre for the Arts in Acromonson

Tellaurus Centre for the Arts in Acrmonson 

The Tofar building Aklantor central city

The Tofar building Aklantor central city