Museum gallery 12

Portraits of Royalty and famous people

Contessa Peleromantai from Jubelo on Vildergraad

Contessa Peleromantai

Javadin of Moskra Putos on Terra IV

Javadin of Moskra Putos on Terra IV

Kutjax de Frantplacus

Kutjax de Frantplacus prince of Mojass on Delta Prime

Qatume pafera - Queen of Skelabor

Qatume Pafera Queen of Skelbador

Jamus de Winter - Chief counselor to the Queen of Cordiscan

Jamus de Winter chief counsellor to the Queen of Cordiscan

Tulla Moresca - youngest daughter of Dufon Mariatta

Tulla Moresca youngest daughter of Dufon Mariatta

Azu futas - Commander of the Degas Prime space fleet

Azu Futas commander of the Degas prime

Putucom Pesara - from the sea faring family of Adwid on Skelbador

Putucom Pesara from the seafaring family of Adwid on Skelbador

Cadera Montebuno - Wife of Prince Vicorus

Cadera Montebuno wife of Prince Vicorus

Portrait of Prince Vicorus - recently deceased leader of the Talludian state on Cordiscan

Portrait of Prince Vicorus

Pratukas Majama - an underground resistance fighter and leader of the Kadurans on Skelbador

Pratukas Majama leader of the Kadurans

Petima Gosttukafa - daughter of Aberusk Gosttukafa, proclaimed king of the Stamianz tribe on Trebo

Petima Gosttukafa daughter of Aberusk Gosttukafa

Tedjuis Fasjamallukapez - senior peacemaker for the Amalgamated worlds of peace commission

Tedjuis Fasjamallukapez senior peacemaker

Mapas Polluskachen - tribal leader on the new African state of Mompalla

Mapas Polluskachen tribal leader of Mompalla

Delles Cumaescento - from the Spanish royal family of the new state of Palma Kandora

Delles Cumaescento from the Spanish royal family