Museum gallery 7

Worlds of the Federation


Bontami City on Aklantor

Bontami City on Akalantor

Autonomous transport system

Treblankaz 'Capital city' on Akalantor


Poolatoo Park on Trebo

Poolatoo Park on Trebo

Local inhabitant of Trebo

Local inhabitant of Trebo

Baby metapoise spider in Trebo swampland

Metapoise spider in Trebo swampland

Terra IV

Council building on Terra IV

Council building on Terra IV

Terra IV cave dwellers

Terra IV cave dwellers

Terra IV racing centre

Terra IV racing centre


Hotel Cadjura in Spain

Hotel Cadjura in Spain

Sharjah City - United Arab Emirates

New Danby park in Wales UK

New Danby Park in Wales

Dega Prime

Dega Prime central government building

Dega Prime central government building

Military base on Dega Prime

Military base on Dega Prime

Dega Prime central department of defense

Dega Prime Central Department of Defense


Sea port harbour master building at Vultari

Sea port harbour master building at Vultari

Sea waste purification plant

Sea waste purification plant

Tunklak harbour at Vitriskulam on Skelbador


Vildegraad government buildings

Vildegraad government building

General Jofar's residence

General Jofar's residence

Leisure park in Templar Finas


Targa city on Madagon

Targa City on Madagon

MIA Centre

Denbar City on Madagon


Ancient ruins of a previously advanced civilisation

Ancient ruins of a previously advanced civilisation

Dragar City under renovation

Dragar City under renovation

Yampasta - oldest and most populated city on Cordiscan

Yampasta - oldest-city on Cordiscan


United Council of Federated Worlds building

United Council of Federated Worlds building

Planetary early warning defense system

Planetary early warning defense system

Guntar Fern Business Centre