Museum gallery 8

Galactic conflicts

Its all out war

Its all out war

Earth space fleet

Earth Space Corps fleet

Battle for earth

Battle for Earth

The invaders prepare

The invaders prepare

In the midst of it

In the midst of it

City strike and retaliation

City strike and retaliation

Terrorist attack at sea

Terrorist attack at sea

Getting ready for battle

Getting ready for battle

Big mech attacks

Big mech attacks

Defenders of the Earth

Defenders of the Earth

Firing on all guns

Unwarranted strike on civilian starliner

Unwarranted strike on civilian starliner

Enemy down

Enemy down

Out of action

Action stations

Action stations

Defender battleship on alert

Defender battleship on alert

Automata pilot


Invader ship

Invader ship

USS Ganymede

Battleship Ganymede

Explosion on USS Ganymede

Explosion on Ganymede

Burning up on re-entry

Burning up on re-entry

Surprise attack

Surprise attack

Casualty of war

Casualty of war

Allies in action

City defenses

City defenses

Preparing for action

Preparing for action

Intensive attack

Intensive attack

Another hit

Another hit

Through the stargate

Through the stargate

Through the cloud

Through the clouds